Participate now in »Zebra’s Industrial Printing »Virtual« Event«!

On April 28th, Zebra is offering you the opportunity to participate in »Zebra’s Industrial Printing »Virtual« Event«. During the virtual event, experts from Zebra's »Industrial Printing and Supplies« division will present a range of interesting and informative topics related to industrial printers. Afterwards, they will be available to answer all your questions. To ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate in the virtual event, it will be divided into two sessions.
The first session will take place from 10:00 – 12:00. During this time you will get an overview of the Zebra portfolio of industrial RFID printers, as well as answers to the questions why you should choose »Zebra Industrial Printing Supplies« and when using the ZT200 is the wisest.
Register now for the second session!
The first session will take place from 10:00 – 12:00. During this time you will get an overview of the Zebra portfolio of industrial RFID printers, as well as answers to the questions why you should choose »Zebra Industrial Printing Supplies« and when using the ZT200 is the wisest.
Register now for the second session!