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Springdel Springmatic

MDM platform for Android and cloud

  • Unified MDM platform for Android (AOSP, GMS, non-GMS), iOS and Windows
  • Scales, manages and optimises millions of devices simultaneously with AI
  • Edge-first design and architecture
  • Remote management and real-time usage for greater visibility
  • Reduces TCO through economies of scale


Springdel's unified MDM platform, Springmatic, enables the deployment, management and optimisation of entire device fleets to reduce downtime, investment and operational costs. Springmatic is enterprise-ready and AI-enabled. It remotely secures and updates policies, applications and firmware across large networks, in real time and at scale, without the need for a permanent connection. This ensures constant visibility, performance and compliance.

The MDM platform offers an edge-first architecture to fully utilise the value of each individual edge device and is scalable for several thousand devices simultaneously. Real-time usage ensures an interactive Edge of Things and fast updates across the organisation. The intuitive user interface optimises and accelerates processes.

Springmatic was developed for corporate, dedicated and mission-critical device fleets with an unlimited number of shared devices. It supports a wide range of operating systems, including Android (AOSP, GMS, non-GMS), iOS and Windows. It is also available as a cloud or on-premises solution if required.

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