Original Power Supply
Power supplies for Epson printers
Original Power Supply
Power supplies for Epson printers
45,90 €
(prix de vente conseillé)- Original power supply unit for Epson printers
- Suitable for all Epson TM printers
- 100-240 V~, 1.5 A / 24V=, 2 A
- 1.8 metre secondary cable
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Almost all Epson POS printers are delivered as a peripheral device without a power supply unit. That is why you have to make sure that the Epson PS-180 power supply unit is included in your order. Exceptions in this case are only the printers of the Epson TM-U220 series as well as the TM-U230, whose delivery package already contains a power supply unit.
The power supply unit is available standard in black and has a cable legth of 1.8 metres. The PS-180 power supply unit has an input voltage between 110 and 240 volt, as well as an output of 24 volt / 2 ampere. The special power supply unit for the Epson TM-U230 is technically of the same design, though it is placed in a white, grease-repellent casing and meant for use in kitchen areas. The installation tray for the TM-T88IV is under the housing. Thus the power supply is located completely inside the printer and only a cable leads out.
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* La réduction s'applique au prix de vente initial.