Honeywell Webinar »Honeywell Latest Thinking for Healthcare«

Honeywell is offering an informative webinar on April 2nd at 15:00 on the topic of »Honeywell Latest Thinking for Healthcare«.
In this webinar, you will receive all important information about current trends in the healthcare sector. Plus, Honeywell will present various healthcare products with practical application examples to make work in hospitals even more efficient and easier, for example. From software and hardware to services, everything that your customers need in the healthcare sector is represented.
Register now for the webinar »Honeywell Latest Thinking for Healthcare«! Click here to register.
In this webinar, you will receive all important information about current trends in the healthcare sector. Plus, Honeywell will present various healthcare products with practical application examples to make work in hospitals even more efficient and easier, for example. From software and hardware to services, everything that your customers need in the healthcare sector is represented.
Register now for the webinar »Honeywell Latest Thinking for Healthcare«! Click here to register.