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I am looking forward to meeting you in person on 16 September in Vienna, where we will be hosting our next "InfoForum" for our German-speaking resellers. After the fair and manufacturers' presentations, our guest speaker and sales trainer, Mr. Martin Limbeck, will address us. We are very impressed with his work, his presentations, and his books. I am sure that some of his inspiration will rub off onto you - this is a real highlight, so please join us. I can highly recommend his latest book "Nicht gekauft hat er schon" to you.

Afterwards, there will be what I hope is a highly communicative dinner. Mr. Schmidt and I will be in Vienna the week after next, for a sample tasting at the Hotel Rainers.

We chose Vienna this time around because we wanted to select an attractive location. Because the hotel rooms there are more expensive than we are used to, we are sponsoring reduced room rates, with the hope that at least some of the resellers will take advantage of spending a nice weekend in Vienna. I personally love Vienna, and not just because of the Austrian wines. :)

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