iiyama UC Webcams
Webcams for lively meetings
iiyama UC Webcams
Webcams for lively meetings
388,00 €
(prix de vente conseillé)- Various webcam models with large field of view (dFoV)
- High resolution up to 4K UHD and up to 13 MP
- 2 or 6 integrated array microphones (model dependent)
- Voice detection from up to 4 meters distance
- Compact and easy to install
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The high-quality webcams from iiyama ensure that everything important always remains in the camera's field of view during meetings. They have a large field of view (FoV) and a high resolution of up to 4K UHD. They are also equipped with an integrated array with 2 or 6 microphones. Supported conferencing programs include Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams and many more.
Depending on the model, the webcams also impress with auto-framing technology, auto-tracking technology, voice localization, digital zoom, noise reduction algorithm, and various camera presets and video layouts. For example, the auto-tracking technology detects attendees thanks to intelligent face recognition, and the voice localization even tracks speakers moving around the room and switches smoothly between speakers when there are multiple participants in a meeting. Voice detection works even at a distance up to 4 meters.
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Les offres et les délais de livraison indiqués ne sont pas contraignants et ne sont valables que pour les revendeurs. Les prix sont exprimés en EUR, hors TVA et sous réserve de modifications. Sous réserve d'erreurs.
* La réduction s'applique au prix de vente initial.