Honeywell Fusion 3780
Omnidirectional handheld scanner
Honeywell Fusion 3780
Omnidirectional handheld scanner
487,66 €
(prix de vente conseillé)- Omni-directional handheld scanner
- Scanning range 2.5–28 cm at 1,333 scans per second
- Highly aggressive, omni-directional scanning area
- Scans barcodes from any angle, self-activating or with CodeGate
- Secondary single-line scan pattern (for menu scanning applications)
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Compared to other handheld laser scanners, the Fusion 3780 offers you unrivalled performance. The compact scan head is equipped with omni-directional laser optics that scan and decode barcodes at any angle. This makes it ideal for all demanding applications at cash desks, warehouses, workshops, medical technology, etc.
The advantages of omni-directional scan optics are that a complete scan grid is projected onto the barcode. This makes it possible to scan the barcode in any direction. The user simply directs the scan head to the label and the barcode is scanned. Its 1,333 scans per second make this scanner particularly fast. The scanner has a reading range of up to 28 cm.
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* La réduction s'applique au prix de vente initial.