Epson Server TSE
The solution for easy network fiscalization
Epson Server TSE
The solution for easy network fiscalization
404,94 €
(prix de vente conseillé)- TSE server solution for easy integration into network infrastructures
- Completely independent of cash register and software systems
- Designed for either three or eight TSE modules
- Easy commissioning and maintenance thanks to web-based configuration service
- Supports all BSI-compliant security standards
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Epson's server-based fiscal solution is seamlessly integrated into existing network environments and offers complete independence from cash register or software systems. The combination of server system and Epson USB-TSE is one hundred percent compliant with the German law on protection against manipulation of basic digital records. The server systems are designed for either up to three or eight TSE modules (Epson USB TSE). The latter, in combination with an optional mounting kit, even allows integration in common 19-inch server racks - perfect for expanding existing network infrastructures.
Both TSE servers can be easily connected via Ethernet interface. Commissioning and maintenance is carried out via a web-based configuration service, thus offering simple and location-independent device management. The practical USB TSE meets the guidelines of the German Cash Register Security Ordinance (KassenSichV). It also complies with the technical guidelines TR-03153 of the BSI.
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* La réduction s'applique au prix de vente initial.