Diebold Nixdorf TSE-Connect-Box
TSE solution for use in large branches
Diebold Nixdorf TSE-Connect-Box
TSE solution for use in large branches
1 628,00 €
(prix de vente conseillé)- TSE solution for up to 32 cash registers
- 7 slots for Diebold Nixdorf TSE cards (optionally 14)
- 19" rack mount for integration into server cabinets
- Can also be installed individually without rack mount
- Status signalling via LEDs
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The TSE-Connect-Box from Diebold Nixdorf is designed for use within large branches, the hotel industry or gastronomy and can be easily integrated into existing network environments. Depending on the requirements, it offers enough slots to use 7 or optionally 14 TSE cards at the same time - so up to 32 cash registers can be supplied with only one TSE-Connect-Box. Of course, the combination of server system and TSE-USB or TSE cards is also one hundred percent compliant with the German law on protection against manipulation of basic digital records.
Thanks to its compact dimensions, the TSE-Connect-Box fits into almost any 19" rack-mount server cabinet or is simply placed without a rack mount. Moreover, it weighs only 2 kilograms, which makes it easy to transport or move. Clearly visible LEDs also indicate the current status of the TSE- Connect Box at all times and, if necessary, it can be reset to its delivery status via an optional reset button - this greatly simplifies commissioning and maintenance.
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* La réduction s'applique au prix de vente initial.