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Zebra Service OneCare Essential

(syaeet6xxx-5c – Z1AE-ET6XXX-5C00)

Service OneCare Essential, comprehensive, 3 day TAT, purchased in 30 days, 5 years, fits for: ET60, ET65 

453,11 €

453,11 €

Aucune garantie
Zebra Service OneCare Essential 5 Years

(syaeet4x-5c – Z1AE-ET4XXX-5C00)

Service OneCare Essential, 5 Years, Comprehensive, 3 Days TAT, purchased within 30 days, fits for: ET4X

306,04 €

306,04 €

Aucune garantie
Zebra Service OneCare Essential VC83, 5 Years

(syaevc83xx-5c – Z1AE-VC83XX-5C00)

Zebra Service OneCare Essential, 5 Years, 3 Days TAT, purchased within 30 days, with Comprehensive Coverage, for: VC83XX

1 379,66 €

1 379,66 €

Aucune garantie
Zebra Service OneCare Select VC83XX, 5 Years

(syasvc83xx-5c – Z1AS-VC83XX-5C03)

Zebra Service OneCare Select, 5 Years, Advanced Replacement, purchased within 30 days, with Comprehensive Coverage, for: VC83XX

1 724,60 €

1 724,60 €

Aucune garantie
Zebra service renewal

(syrehc20xx-2c – Z1RE-HC20XX-2C00)

Zebra OneCare Essential, renewal, 2 years, purchased within 30 days, 3 days TAT, with comprehensive coverage, fits for: HC20XX

215,22 €

215,22 €

Aucune garantie
Zebra service TSS, software support, 1 year

(syb5emh250-10 – Z1B5-EMH250-1000)

Zebra OneCare technical and software support (TSS), term: 1 year, incl.: phone support, software maintenance, price per device

37,14 €

37,14 €

Aucune garantie
Zebra service TSS, software support, 5 years

(syb5emh250-50 – Z1B5-EMH250-5000)

Zebra OneCare technical and software support (TSS), term: 5 years, incl.: phone support, software maintenance, price per device

160,91 €

160,91 €

Aucune garantie
Zebra service, 1 year

(syb5entbrx2-10 – Z1B5-ENTBRX2-1000)

Service, Software support for Enterprise Browser 2, 1 year

22,27 €

22,27 €

Aucune garantie
Zebra service, 5 years

(ettoce8178-5 – Z1AE-DS8178-5C00)

Zebra OneCare Essential, 5 years, purchased within 30 days, with comprehensive coverage, fits for: DS8178

142,27 €

142,27 €

Aucune garantie
Zebra Service, 5 years

(syaeds4608-50 – Z1AE-DS4608-5C00)

Zebra OneCare Essential, 5 years, 3 days TAT, purchased within 30 days, with comprehensive coverage, incl.: coverage for cradles, fits for: DS4608

67,39 €

67,39 €

Aucune garantie
Zebra Service, 5 years

(syaemc93-53 – Z1AE-MC93XX-5503)

Zebra OneCare Essential, 5 years, 3 days TAT, purchased within 30 days, with refresh for standard battery, Commissoning and Dashboard, fits for: MC9300

1 076,80 €

Quantité minimum de commande: 20 pièces

1 076,80 €

Aucune garantie
Zebra Service, 5 years

(syaemc93-5c3 – Z1AE-MC93XX-5C03)

Zebra OneCare Essential, 5 years, 3 days TAT, purchased within 30 days, with comprehensive coverage, Commissoning and Dashboard

962,63 €

Quantité minimum de commande: 20 pièces

962,63 €

Aucune garantie
Zebra Service, 5 years

(syaetc52xx-5c – Z1AE-TC52XX-5C00)

Zebra OneCare Essential, 5 years, 3 days TAT, purchased within 30 days, with comprehensive coverage, fits for: TC52

637,66 €

637,66 €

Aucune garantie
Zebra Service, 5 Years

(ettocezt23-5 – Z1AE-ZT231-500)

Service OneCare Essential, 3 Days TAT, 5 Years, purchased within 30 days, fits for: ZT231

339,07 €

339,07 €

Aucune garantie
Zebra Service, 5 Years

(ettocezt23-5c – Z1AE-ZT231-5C0)

Service OneCare Essential, Comprehensive, 3 Days TAT, 5 Years, purchased within 30 days, fits for: ZT231

542,51 €

542,51 €

Aucune garantie
Zebra Service, 5 Years

(ettocszt11-5c – Z1AS-ZT111-5C0)

Service OneCare Select, Comprehensive, advanced replacement, 5 Years, purchased within 30 days, fits for: ZT111

678,14 €

678,14 €

Aucune garantie
Zebra Service, 5 Years

(ettocszt23-5c – Z1AS-ZT231-5C0)

Service OneCare Select, Comprehensive, advanced replacement, 5 Years, purchased within 30 days, fits for: ZT231

678,14 €

678,14 €

Aucune garantie
Zebra Service, 5 Years

(ettocezt11-5c – Z1AE-ZT111-5C0)

Service OneCare Essential, Comprehensive, 3 Days TAT, 5 Years, purchased within 30 days, fits for: ZT111

542,51 €

542,51 €

Aucune garantie
Zebra Service, 5 years

(syaetc72xx-5c – Z1AE-TC72XX-5C00)

Zebra OneCare Essential, 5 years, 3 days TAT, purchased within 30 days, with comprehensive coverage, fits for: TC72

743,96 €

743,96 €

Aucune garantie
Zebra Service, 5 years

(syasds4608-53 – Z1AS-DS4608-5C03)

Zebra OneCare Select, 5 years, advanced replacement, purchased within 30 days, with comprehensive coverage, Commissoning and Dashboard, incl.: coverage for cradles, fits for: DS4608

77,47 €

77,47 €

Aucune garantie